Upselling or Cross-Selling, which is right for you?

By |2018-04-11T17:19:36-05:00March 6th, 2019|

What is the meaning of upselling and cross selling? Upselling is the practice of encouraging the purchase of anything that would make the primary purchase more expensive, while cross-selling invites customers to buy related or complementary items. In the world of online course sales upselling is your friend! Did you know, upselling works 20 times better than cross-selling? Once buyers have specific course content in mind, they don't really want to be distracted by something else. They are there to learn a specific skill. However, offer them a product or service that makes their first choice better and [...]

Analytics or Die!

By |2017-12-20T12:39:33-06:00October 17th, 2017|

Whether you’re content marketing, boosting a social media post, or using an automated sales funnel to drive traffic and conversions, you must track, measure, and monitor EVERYTHING. Why? 90% of my clients don’t know a thing about their analytics. That’s because they are out in the world doing what they do best: speaking, training and making the world a better place. Which is exactly what they should be doing. In order for you, as a marketer, to do what you  do best, use ANALYTICS to determine which of your marketing efforts are producing results and which ones are not. [...]

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