Video Training vs. Traditional Training
– By Eddie Martin
Training has traditionally been about booking events, securing venues and managing travel arrangements. Substantial expenses with sometimes marginal returns on time and effort only to attempt to download a lifetime of one’s research and time into the minds of a classroom or audience. The problem is that it is not only an inefficient use of money but alone it is a disservice to both your company and your students. We used to feel the same way as you; we felt that these traditional methods were the only way to accomplish our goals. But what we found and what we now know is that people do not retain more than 20% of the information taught in a live environment. Social distractions, boredom and the human attention span prevent these methods from being truly useful.
Today we live in a competitive digital world. Every second of the day, we are fighting to hold the attention of our audiences while they are fighting to keep their phones from their hands. Competing for this attention is futile. According to our independent market research, Since 2000, we’ve seen a 903% increase in eLearning, by 2019, 85% of all internet hits will be video based. The online learning industry is predicted to be a $325 billion industry that has an average ROI of 319% for those marketing in the space.
With 10,000 baby boomers retiring daily and 3 billion new online users to hit the web by 2020, it’s no surprise that industry leaders such as shark tanks Daymond John are directing their efforts into this market. Speakers, trainers, and coaches are estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands, while only an estimated 50,000 speakers, trainers, and coaches are said to be making a living doing so globally. NOW We know that most statistics are exaggerated but no matter the specific figures, the gap here is undeniable.
For the tens if not 100’s of thousands of new and existing entrepreneurs in this sector they face a changing market without a clear path or guide to the next phase in their industry. Traditional standards of how to impact mass groups of individuals are holding many in the industry tight to those fundamental ideals for fear of failure and the inability to recognize a changing market. Those who venture into the new frontier of their industry often find themselves struggling to find a proper solution to this problem. Over saturated “options” in the eLearning market find these individuals battling for attention and a way to differentiate themselves from their competition. In an era where a 14-year-old with a laptop can make a video based website to deliver content from his bedroom in a few hours. It’s no wonder the confusion persists, and the traditional model stays tightly in place. Without a way to deliver a high-quality product that represents your brand’s professionalism in the proper light and function, it’s understandable that many stick to traditions while those with the vision of the market align themselves with us and pull further and further away from the crowd.
We see members of this industry hire general web designers and fly by night internet marketers in an attempt to cut corners and build their own solutions in a market in which they are not familiar. Only to find that to build a proper delivery system with the functionalities necessary to create adequate retention of data and content delivery to be time-consuming, grossly expensive and overall highly ineffective in producing a professional product that can educate their audiences and service their customer’s needs. This method falls short of the proven principals of business. No amount of money can replace practical industry experience!
Your goal is to create a deserved massive income for your business by effectively educating, inspiring and transforming your audience into working toward their full potential by arming them with your information and actionable methodologies. To empower them to live happily and fulfilled lives free of misunderstood methods to accomplish their specific goals. You cannot deliver a screw to its destination properly by using a hammer. Educating is not the process of dumping information on their laps and hoping that they understand and can apply the principals to their lives.
In our 17 years in this industry, we have learned the most efficient solutions to deliver content to users through the emulation of real life interactions with video training. By properly segmenting content delivery and using targeted interactivity, we have thoroughly systematized the formula of human information retention. Leveraging our intellectual properties and multi-million dollar (and continually expanding )technology, we can confidently say that we are the most advanced learning platform and customized training solutions company on planet earth.
But it cannot stop there. Your brand is your identity, it’s what anchors your audience and resonates congruently with your message, ideals and the ethics of your company. Your delivery method must be an accurate reflection of this vision. We believe that a fully labeled system is critical to your business image and overall success in the marketplace. Without a professionally branded platform and image, your business will be easily lost in the vast sea of online learning content. As a real player in your market, you need to be able to customize your offerings for your specific user demographics without needing multiple delivery systems. That’s why LightSpeedVT creates a customized user experience that is completely granular to the user’s specific login information. Unlimited languages, brands, packages and access levels allow you to finally deliver a personalized user experience that is unparalleled in the industry. In the Information Age, data is king! The ability to inspect what you expect is paramount to being able to adequately service your client’s needs and ensure proper information retention and accountability. That’s why we have built-in robust analytics for all user data on our platform. Every test is logged, user progress is tracked, the amount of oversight that is available at your fingertips is unprecedented.
You can see the writing on the wall. Just look at Blockbuster video and the taxi industry. Innovation in traditional markets is not to be ignored. The opportunity to carve out your piece of the pie lies before you for the taking. You have a few choices. Turn the other cheek and wear your rose colored glasses as the market shifts before your eyes or have the vision to seize the opportunity to capture the greatest time in the history of the world to build a massive business and create a legacy of impact on a massive scale. The choice is yours. Get online or get left behind.
If you value your clients and your brand, there is but one real choice in this insanely saturated and confusing market.

About Eddie:
Eddie Martin is a lifelong student of service and communication with a 14 year background in professional problem solving and solution based consultative sales. He has made it his life’s work to provide value to his clients, friends and network. He operates under the philosophy of the great Zig Ziglar, “If you help enough people get what they want, you can have everything you want”